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Michael's Circular File: A potpourri of odds 'n ends fathomed in the churning surf

The Motley Fool, the Jester Amok, the Coyote Trickster, the Mystic Wanderer, is once again reborn this Daze One April 2011


The Fool


By nature my mind is empty.
Even in sleep, I am awake.
I think of things without thinking.

All my impressions of the world
Have dissolved.


My desires have melted away.

So what do I care for money
Or the thieving senses,
For friends or knowledge or holy books?


What are they to me?

What do I care for freedom?

For I have known God,
The infinite Self,
The witness of all things.


Without, a fool.
Within, free of thought.

I do as I please,
And only those like me
Understand my ways.


From "The Heart of Awareness:

A Translation of the Ashtavakra Gita" by Thomas Byrom