Artifacts upend theory on first North Americans - A cache of 15,500-year-old artifacts found buried in a Texas flood plain predates the well-known Clovis people, long thought to be the first inhabitants of the New World,0,7839145.story

American teachers under attack - With state budgets buckling, American teachers are facing the erosion of tenure protection, employee benefits, and other job protections that they fought for and won years ago

Wikipedia: Macrobiotic Diet

Wikipedia: Macrobiotic Diet
Google Search: Macrobiotic Diet

Unpaid jobs: The new normal? - While businesses are generally wary of the risks of using unpaid labor, companies that have used free workers say it can pay off when done right

The Price of Taxing the Rich - The top 1% of earners fill the coffers of states like California and New York during a boom—and leave them starved for revenue in a bust

Bob Herbert: Losing Our Way

Food dyes’ favor fades as possible links to hyperactivity emerge

Savings Experiment: How Steep a Price Should You Pay for a Cup of Tea?

Thomas Jefferson's Cut-and-Paste Bible - Our third president sought to separate the words of Jesus from the 'corruptions' of his followers

Scientists finish a 53-year-old classic experiment on the origins of life

It’s Tracking Your Every Move and You May Not Even Know

Cosmonaut Crashed Into Earth 'Crying In Rage'

In a renaissance for radio, more listeners are tuning in

Open Network Foundation Pursues New Standards

The Secrets to Long Life: Worry, Work Hard and Marry Well (If You're a Man)

The F-35: A Weapon That Costs More Than Australia - The U.S. will ultimately spend $1 trillion for these fighter planes. Where's the outrage over Washington's culture of waste?

The Most Powerful Grower in Napa

Nintendo Turns Up Its Nose at ‘Garage Developers’

Practical Matters: Number of prediabetics rising in the U.S. - Many don't know they have the condition, experts say, adding that they'll advance to Type 2 diabetes if they don't exercise moderately and improve their diet

The Evolving Mission of Google

The Wristwatch Is Reimagined. Will Young Shoppers Care?

How to Beat the Salad Bar

Supermoon Photos: Moon Makes Close Encounter

Educated, Unemployed and Frustrated

400-pound marathoner celebrates nine hours, 48 minutes and 52 seconds of 'pure hell' - Gneiting, a former national champion sumo wrestler, finishes the L.A. Marathon and may have set a Guinness record,0,3121345.story

Ghosts of Chile - President Obama has an opportunity to confront the trauma inflicted by Pinochet's regime, and by the United States,0,4363300.story

Love and the Little Things - Yes, nest eggs are important. But simple acts and shared memories will grace the years to come

Listen: Secret Libya Psyops, Caught by Online Sleuths

Twitter, telegram and e-mail: Famous first lines
There is no reason to expect the reality of immeasurable and unbounded life to satisfy your puny little thoughts ~ Kodo Sawaki (1880-1965)

Frankenstein: 10 possible meanings

Frankenstein: 10 possible meanings
Readers' new meanings for Frankenstein
Wikipedia: Frankenstein
A taste for truth at any cost is a passion which spares nothing ~ Albert Camus (1913-1960)

Identifying photocopy machine poses problem for Cuyahoga County official

Five myths about nuclear energy

Bosnian police seize 2 million child porn photos

Bosnian police seize 2 million child porn photos
Wikipedia: Child Pornography

Reuben Margolin: Kinetic Sculptures

Youtube: Kinetic Wave Sculptures
Reuben Heyday Margolin
Google Image Search: Reuben Margolin
It is to be remarked that a good many people are born curiously unfitted for the fate waiting them on this earth ~ Joseph Conrad (1857-1924)

Look Who’s Meditating Now

Daito Kokushi "On Zen"

There is a reality even prior to heaven and earth;
Indeed, it has no form, much less a name;
Eyes fail to see it; It has no voice for ears to detect;
To call it Mind or Buddha violates its nature,
For it then becomes like a visionary flower in the air;
It is not Mind, nor Buddha;
Absolutely quiet, and yet illuminating in a mysterious way,
It allows itself to be perceived only by the clear-eyed.
It is Dharma truly beyond form and sound;
It is Tao having nothing to do with words.
Wishing to entice the blind,
The Buddha has playfully let words escape his golden mouth;
Heaven and earth are ever since filled with entangling briars.
O my good worthy friends gathered here,
If you desire to listen to the thunderous voice of the Dharma,
Exhaust your words, empty your thoughts,
For then you may come to recognize this One Essence.
Says Hui the Brother, "The Buddha's Dharma
Is not to be given up to mere human sentiments." 
Daito Kokushi (1282 - 1337)

The Quiet Importance of Sound - The Experience of Hitting a Golf Ball Is Surprisingly Related to What You Hear

The Japanese Could Teach Us a Thing or Two

Crime-lab worker's errors cast doubt on military verdicts

Ted Danson: My Favorite Mistake - On his youthful crime of passion

How to Get Smart Again - The way we teach our children history has undermined our chances for success

Quinoa’s Global Success Creates Quandary at Home

Mental Health First Aid USA

Whatever Nuclear Power’s Threat, No Easy Alternatives